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ElkArte - Just Installed!

Welcome to SimplePortal!

Although always developing, SimplePortal is produced with the user in mind first. User feedback is the number one method of growth, and our users are always finding ways for SimplePortal to improve and grow. It has added numerous user-requested features such as articles, block types and the ability to completely customize the portal page.

All this and SimplePortal has remained Simple! SimplePortal is built for simplicity and ease of use; ensuring the average forum administrator can install SimplePortal, configure a few settings, and show off the brand new portal to the users in minutes. Confusing menus, undesired pre-loaded blocks and settings that cannot be found are all avoided as much as possible. Because when it comes down to it, SimplePortal is YOUR portal, and should reflect your taste as much as possible.

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Welcome to ElkArte!

April 30, 2024, 07:39:58 nachmittags von Elkarte | Aufrufe: 13 | Antworten: 0

Welcome to ElkArte!

We hope you enjoy using this software and building your community.  If you have any problems, please feel free to ask us for assistance.

The ElkArte Community.

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Welcome to ElkArte! von Elkarte
[April 30, 2024, 07:39:58 nachmittags] in General Discussion

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